When was the last time you deeply experienced God’s love?
Experiencing God’s Love: A Year of Abundance Devotional
This is the year you can experience God’s presence, abundance, and love every day.
When was the last time you deeply experienced God’s love?
When we reflect on the people we’re closest to and most intimate with, in whom we place the most trust, it’s those with whom we spend time. We don’t need to “catch up” with those present for each up and down because they are near-constant. We are knit together with them.
Scripture tells us that God loves us, but we long to experience it daily. To experience something, we live it, encounter it, understand it, and explore it with our physical senses as well as with our God-given spiritual ones.
In every action we do with and for God, every good day and bad day, as we walk hand in hand, we experience him.
Pick up this book and begin any day of the year, open these pages, and be knit together with God. Enjoy his constant presence and a year of abundance as you experience God’s love.
This book was originally published by Tyndale House Publishers.